Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jackson and Ben

These two are amazing brothers. I remember when I was growing up how badly I wanted a brother or a close sibling. My sister and I are 7 years apart and are not close at all. I was worried when I had Jackson that him and his brother would never get along and would fight all of the time like my sister and I had. Turns out they are just the opposite. They love each other so dearly. I always hear Ben taking up for Jackson. At our Luau some kid grabbed a ball from Jackson and pushed him down. When Ben saw this he went and tackled the kid and got the ball back for Jackson. That is being a great brother! I actually bought a figurine that reminded me of them recently from Willow Tree.

I don't know how many times I have seen them stand in this exact pose, but it is just like them. Jackson always watches his big brother very closely and mimics everything he does. Good and bad. They are very close and I hope they remain that way forever.


Jenn said...

So sweet. How far apart are they?? Markus and his brother are 4 years apart and they are just as close as can be.

Cherie' said...

They are 4 years apart as well.