Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just a little venting

Ok, I am going to vent a little and I need feedback please. Bens teacher went on Maternity leave starting the middle of September, ever since then he has had a sub, whose name I do not know because she never told us. Anywho, I am big on communicating with teachers, and I consider myself extremely nice about it. If I have a problem or a question I just write a note and put it in his folder and await the answer. His regular teacher cheerfully always responded. The sub, responds in short sentences with exclamation points, so I pretty much feel like she is yelling at me. Today Ben came home and told me that she said she could not understand my handwriting. True I have injured my hand recently but it is not that bad. And instead of telling my son she should have just written me back and told me herself. I can not wait for his regular teacher to come back. Pray that it does not get any worse than this and I have to schedule a conference with this poor person and unleash my not so nice side.

Has anyone ever had this problem or is it just me?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jackson and Ben

These two are amazing brothers. I remember when I was growing up how badly I wanted a brother or a close sibling. My sister and I are 7 years apart and are not close at all. I was worried when I had Jackson that him and his brother would never get along and would fight all of the time like my sister and I had. Turns out they are just the opposite. They love each other so dearly. I always hear Ben taking up for Jackson. At our Luau some kid grabbed a ball from Jackson and pushed him down. When Ben saw this he went and tackled the kid and got the ball back for Jackson. That is being a great brother! I actually bought a figurine that reminded me of them recently from Willow Tree.

I don't know how many times I have seen them stand in this exact pose, but it is just like them. Jackson always watches his big brother very closely and mimics everything he does. Good and bad. They are very close and I hope they remain that way forever.

Oh Jackson!

Ever since Jacksons nostril has gotten big enough for him to stick a finger in it, that is exactly what he does.....at the store, talking to friends, at Karate practice. The other day I actually saw him eat a booger! Yuck! But he is still soooo cute!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A little bit of relaxation

This has been a very nice and relaxing week so far (knock on wood). We had our friends over for dinner Sunday, the boys went outside to play and take pictures and us girls hung out and clipped coupons and looked at sales fliers. Oh, and I played Kingdom Hearts on the playstation. Probably the only game that I have even been remotely interested in. I am really bad at games but seem to do well at this one. Anywho, here are a few really nice pictures Jesse took while they were outside.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jackson and Cordells Birthday Party

So a few months ago we had a birthday party for Jackson and Cordell and yes I am just now getting around to posting the pictures.

Here is Jackson, as usual, stuffing his face. But still so cute!

Here are the funny cupcakes I made. Everyone really liked them.

I like this picture because you can see Liz in the background cracking up!

Here is mom and Amy acting crazy.

Jackson became suddenly interested in Amy's
camera. Really made for a sweet picture.

Here is all of the kids playing outside on the slip n slide that Misty and Cordell gave Ben for his birthday.